
If you liked Blackberry Crumble...

Earlier today, I posted a recipe for blackberry crumble with peach ice cream. Tonight, I made peach crumble with peach ice cream. Thanks to Rustic Road Farm for the most amazing peaches!

The recipe is the same; just substitute peaches for the blackberries. This picture is beautiful but doesn’t do the crumble justice. The soft, succulent peaches, the crunchy topping, and the velvety texture of the ice cream are just amazing together! Wish I could serve this to everyone reading right now!

Bon Appetit!

Blackberry Cobbler and Peach Ice Cream

All I can say…F*&^ING YUM!

So my “enabler” subscribes to the New York Times and as a result, I have the opportunity to read the Food section every week. A couple of weeks back, we saw a recipe for Crunchy Berry Almond Crumble. Since we have a tree nut allergy in our family, I decided to modify the recipe a bit. The result? Well, I already said it above…f*&^ing yum! (Yes, Lili & Diego…I owe you $5 for those words!) Here is my version of the recipe.


For the fruit

  • 3 pints blackberries (use organic if you can)
  • Zest of one orange
  • 2-4 tablespoons granulated sugar (will depend on the sweetness of the blackberries; I used three this time)

For the crumble

  • 1 2/3 cup flour
  • 1/3 cup brown sugar (light or dark - whatever your preference is)
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon allspice
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 stick of unsalted butter, melted


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  • Mix all of the ingredients for the fruit together and set aside.
  • Whisk together the dry ingredients for the crumble.
  • Add the butter to the crumble ingredients. Mix the butter and the dry ingredients with your fingers until crumbs form. Feel free to “smush” the crumble pieces together to form larger chunks.
  • Add the fruit to a shallow dish (e.g., pyrex dish or a gratin dish). Cover the fruit with the crumble mixture.
  • Cook the crumble for 50-55 minutes. You can serve hot, but I prefer to let the crumble get to room temperature and serve it then.

Serve the crumble with ice cream or freshly whipped cream. I served this a few times this past week; first with peach ice cream, then with cherry ice cream. The ice cream recipe is available on the blog. Substitute peeled and finely chopped (lightly pureed) peaches for the cherries. SOOOO GOOD!

Bon Appetit!